Hero Blog


10 Signs Trauma Affects Your Health

Trauma affects your health mentally and physically. We know that from research that the more Adverse Childhood Experiences we have, the worse health outcomes are overall, even controlling for factors that are the cause of trauma (like poverty) or are frequent coping...

Coping with the Holidays

Holidays can be hard, especially if you are struggling with family members who don’t respect your identity. I offered some ways to cope with the feelings and stressors during the holidays after coming out as LBTGQ in this article in Teen Vogue: How to Survive Your...

CBT for Election Stress

Whew. The election is over! Even though it’s over, you may still be feeling stressed about the outcome. Check out this article in Teen Vogue that I was quoted in yesterday (you do have to read the whole thing because my pearls of wisdom are at the bottom): How to Cope...

Psychotherapy Helps Cure Insomnia

Insomnia is an issue that a lot of people struggle with and something I treat a lot of people for. It is especially common in people with chronic pain or who have experienced a traumatic event. Check out this article from Bustle I’m quoted in: Insomnia Treatments For...